Friday 8 April 2011

Step Backward

In class today I got to talk to the lecturer about my idea but it has not got the response I wanted and I  have to re think and take a step backward. I do not have a clear narrative for my trend so now I am having to essentially start again. I am hoping I can pull something together and still keep the basic initial idea I had to begin with. At the moment I am looking at skin shedding and trying to make the idea of 'Inside Out' work. This way I can still use some of my skeletal idea. 

Below is the start of my skin shedding research.

The advice I have been given is to look at more tribal images and try and broaden the research I am doing because it is too fashion orientated. The 'cycle of life' has also been suggested but that does not really appeal to me at the moment. After exploring it a little more though it might jump start an idea. 

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