Sunday 17 April 2011

Reflection of research

So far I have researched bones and how they are a structure within the body and also how they are seen as protection and strength. 
After speaking to my lecturer I looked at tribes and how they use bones in rituals and spells to ask for things they want and also ward off danger. Some tribes cleanse the bones of the dead to show respect for those who have passed which led me onto looking at the Day of the Dead.
This 3 day festival celebrates the dead and the cycle of life. It is believed the dead are reincarnated and their soul reenters another body.
In other religions the soul is said to enter not only human bodies but also that of animals. This is where my research will progress to next. I shall look into reincarnation and rebirth, but also a little further into the anatomy of the body particularly the skin because it is a major organ in the body and encases the bones inside it which has made me think of potential silhouettes and shapes for my trend.  

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